Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Smiles and Frowns.

Alright, so today I woke up like super late(according to me dad 6:30 AM is super late.) Anyway, I rushed down and did whatever I needed to do before my dad could start yelling at me. He drove me to school and in my rush, I forgot my piano books, and cherished lanyard with important stuff inside it, including my badge for the hospital. As I walked into junior hall, I thought to myself, "Shit. Today looks like its going to be a bad day." Just then, I found a $50 bill on the ground, no joke. I thought it was fake, but then after I walked past it like 3 times, I decided to pick it up and keep it. So now, I'm $50 richer. Yay! LOL.

1st period, we went to pick up our lamesauce books that we're reading in class. 2nd period, we started out softball unit. 3rd period, we finished our notes and started working in groups to review for the AP exam. 4th period, my favorite class because I am able to act like my real self without any weirdness/discrimination, was super fun. We started talking about the randomest shit ever and we started laughing after Vaginaface (Maylin Cardiel) said something super dirty. Yeah, we have nicknames for each other...or at least in my group. LOL. 5th period was crazy because we had this lab thing to do. Luckily, I ran into one of my old friends and borrowed his ID, so I wouldn't get caught and have to take the fucking final. Lunch time was super fun. I ran around with some of my junior friends and started acting hella hyper, crazy, and loud. At one point, my friends started going up to random people and flirting with them, then laughing like hell after about the looks on their faces. ROFL. I love you guys, you know that? 6th period was hella boring, but at least that class is one of my favorites. :]. As in turns out, school started off on a bad note, but then ended super fly, f'sho.

I need to finish my damn chemistry homework, spanish homework, and math homework. Fuck, whatever, I'll just copy off Daisy or Diana again, as always. =). You guys are lifesavers, you know that? Ahaha! Oh Jane, if you're reading this, I need to borrow your lab notebook tomorrow. Thank you, dear.

Zomg, I saw a stray puppy today outside my house. It was so cute! I wanted to take it inside to feed it and take care of it. :(. Sadly, my parents won't let me because they think I'm irresponsible. Wthell.

"Whenever I get hit by something, I don't let it bother me, yet. At first, I feel this numbing feeling and just shrug it off. Later on, though, that numbness goes away and is filled back up by the pain of whatever the thing is. That's when things start to overwhelm me and I start saying the stupidest things because I'm not thinking. All I can say right now is, Whatever, and I don't know what the hell is going on. I wish someone would just try and comfort me and tell me that everything is alright and try to make me smile."

What the hell, why do I even care. It's only high school. My life hasn't even officially started yet. Omg, I'm going to be a junior soon. I'm so not ready to begin my life after I graduate high school. Fuck this, I bet I'll turn into a hobo while everyone else is off living their dreams, as I don't care anymore.

1 comment:

jane-willy said...

Shoot. 50 bucks. Lucky!
Maybe buy some food for a homeless next time. :)